Sparring Rules

**USA Dream Open Taekwondo Championship uses the date December 31 of the given year (December 31, 2024) to determine the age of all competitors. For example, an athlete who turns 12 on October 26, 2024, will be considered as a 12-year-old in the given event, even though they are 11 years old at the time of the event for all divisions.

The current USAT & WT competition rules will govern this championship. The World Class Division will be refereed by WT International Referees


There is absolutely no head contact for competitors Age 7 & Under (All Belts) and 11 & Under (Color Belt Divisions)

Best of Three (3) System

Age 7 and Under (All Black Belts) & Age 11 and Under (All Color Belts)

In the best of three (3) system, the duration of the contest shall be three rounds of 60 seconds each with a 30-second rest period between rounds.

  • 5 Gamjeom in a round = opponent is the winner of that round
  • 12-point gap = opponent is the winner of that round
  • Every round must have a winner
Contact Area Point
A valid punch on the trunk protector 1 point
A valid kick on the trunk protector 2 points
A valid turning kick to the trunk protector 4 points
A valid kick to the head 3 points
A valid turning kick to the head N/A


Junior Safety Rules will be applied to 8 – 11-YEAR-OLD BLACK BELTS, 12 – 14-YEAR-OLD BLACK BELTS, 12 & OVER ALL COLOR BELTS, and 33 & OVER BLACK BELT DIVISIONS. A head contact producing a minor injury (bruising, abrasion, or bleeding) will result in a one-point deduction for the attacker. Excessive head contact resulting in the inability to continue will disqualify the attacker at the discretion of the referee.

Best of Three (3) System

Age 8-11 (All Black Belts) & Age 12 and Up (All Color Belts)

In the best of three (3) system, the duration of the contest shall be three rounds of 60 seconds each with a 30-second rest period between rounds.

  • 5 Gamjeom in a round = opponent is the winner of that round
  • 12-point gap = opponent is the winner of that round
  • Every round must have a winner
Contact Area Point
A valid punch on the trunk protector 1 point
A valid kick on the trunk protector 2 points
A valid turning kick to the trunk protector 4 points
A valid kick to the head 3 points
A valid turning kick to the head 3 points (not 5 points)


JSR: Head kicks are allowed but spinning and turning kicks to the head (spin hook kicks, back kick, turning roundhouse kick, etc.) will not receive bonus points for spinning.

 Best of Three (3) System

Age 12-14 (All Black Belts) & Age 33 and Up (All Black Belts)

In the best of three (3) system, the duration of the contest shall be three rounds of 60 seconds each, with a 30-second rest period between rounds.

  • 5 Gamjeom in a round = opponent is the winner of that round
  • 12-point gap = opponent is the winner of that round
  • Every round must have a winner
Contact Area Point
A valid punch on the trunk protector 1 point
A valid kick on the trunk protector 2 points
A valid turning kick to the trunk protector 4 points
A valid kick to the head 3 points
A valid turning kick to the head 3 points (not 5 points)


Full head contact is allowed for 15 ~32 YEAR OLD BLACK BELTS ONLY with three points being awarded for legal head contact or 5 points for any spinning techniques to the head. They will also use the Daedo PSS System.

Best of Three (3) System

Age 12-14 (All Black Belts) & Age 33 and Up (All Black Belts)

In the best of three (3) system, the duration of the contest shall be three rounds of 90 seconds each with a 30-second rest period between rounds.

  • 5 Gamjeom in a round = opponent is the winner of that round
  • 12-point gap = opponent is the winner of that round
  • Every round must have a winner
Contact Area Point
A valid punch on the trunk protector 1 point
A valid kick on the trunk protector 2 points
A valid turning kick to the trunk protector 4 points
A valid kick to the head 3 points
A valid turning kick to the head 5 points

 Mandatory Equipment:

  • Standard white, official, V-neck TKD uniform (Sparring) in good condition.
  • Official USAT or WT chest protector with red and blue scoring zones.
  • Official WT Taekwondo shin protectors and forearm protectors.
  • Groin protector (required for males); must be worn inside the uniform.
  • Official USAT or WT head protector and gloves (gloves are only mandatory for World Class).
  • Official WT Taekwondo mouth guard.
  • Official WT Taekwondo instep pads.
  • The division for 12 -32 YEARS OLD AND UP BLACK BELTS are required to bring their own E-foot gear (GEN2)

We would also like to remind you that proper personal hygiene (i.e. clean and short nails; clean body and uniform) is a part of competition rules and etiquette.

Weigh-ins: 15-32 Black Belt World class sparring divisions only. From 11:30 am -12:30 pm at ring number 1 or at the tournament site staging area.

Awards: 1st, 2nd, and two 3rd place winners in each division will be awarded. However, all competitors 11 years old and under will get medals.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The tournament director may modify some rules according to the local conditions. They also reserve the right to combine or divide weight categories depending on the group size.